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Worship: Image



Every Sunday

10:00 am        Parish Mass

Sunday Evenings

1st Sunday of the month        6.00pm           Evensong


THURSDAY    9:30am    Said Mass or 'Service of the Word'

SATURDA Y   9:30am    Said Mass or 'Service of the Word'

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Worship: services

Online worship

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In that case please use this link.

Worship: online

Family worship

Children and young people are valued and nurtured at St Mary’s and are encouraged to take an active part in the life of the church. We believe they are the Church of Today, not simply the Church of tomorrow.


At our 10.00am Sunday mass we hold Children’s Church (4-11) and Youth Church (11-16), and for younger children we have a play corner with toys and a soft floor.


On the first Sunday of the month we often have baptisms and an all age service with a different feel of music and preaching.  


Our children and young people help read, lead prayers, serve, welcome people and our part of our life together. 


Everyday faith and prayer

We believe being a Christian is not just what you do on Sunday, but affects what you do day by day.  Here are resources to help with daily prayer and bible reading through the week:


Morning and Evening Prayer

Pray as you go

Faith in the home

Sacred space

Lector 365


We believe in spending time together and exploring our faith together.  We run courses throughout the year - Advent, Lent, Quiet Days, Alpha, as well as Confirmation groups and First Communion.  
Upcoming courses will be added over the next months.

Worship: Service sheets

Service sheets

Links to be inserted

St.Mary the Virgin Lewisham

346 Lewisham High St. SE13 6LE

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©2020 by St.Mary the Virgin Lewisham - Charity number: 1182343

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