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A wonderful Christmas market  with an estimated 1800 visitors.

and 35 local traders.

Thank you to all who took part and to those who organised the event.

Fr Steve's Retirement

The day of Pentecost, 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus, marks the end of the Easter season. We pray that we might all be renewed in the Holy Spirit, as the disciples were, 2000 years ago.

It also marks an important moment for me as I announce my retirement from ministry in October, later this year. I’m now 68 and will celebrate 40 years in July since I was ordained in Southwark cathedral and began as a curate in St Giles Camberwell.

There is much to give thanks for – and still much to do here at St Mary’s in the next 6 months. We will continue to grow in Faith, Hope and Love, repairing our building, deepening our faith, welcoming new people into our church family and reaching out to bring God’s love to the world around us. 

We also have our church Annual Meeting on Pentecost Sunday, electing wardens and Church Council members to share in leading St Mary’s in a busy and exciting year ahead.

There will be celebrations and events in the months ahead, as well as getting on with the job of being God’s family in St Mary’s and in Lewisham.

As Eastertide comes to a close once more, a final ALLELUIA!

Fr Steve 

Use this link to read Fr Steve's Pentecost sermon and retirement plans.

St.Mary the Virgin Lewisham

346 Lewisham High St. SE13 6LE

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