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  • lizevans67

We're reverting to online worship for a while.

Dear friends,

this continues to be a difficult and dangerous time and we must do all we can to keep ourselves, our congregation and our community safe.

We have made the difficult decision that it is now wisest and safest to return to online-only services at St Mary’s for the coming weeks.

All services will continue; Wednesday 7.30pm, Thursday and Saturday 9.30am and Sunday 10.00 mass, but online only, while the church remains closed.

I’m grateful to everyone who has worked so hard to keep us safe in St Mary’s and proud that nobody has had the virus from coming to church.

For Sundays our tech team will run the livestreaming on our facebook and website

We will continue to include members of the congregation in these services and hopefully some music too.

We will reach out to those in our church family who will find a further lockdown difficult. You have all done an amazing job in caring for each other over these past months and we’ll continue to do this together.

We will plan some great celebrations when we can worship in St Mary’s together. There is much to be thankful for and much to look forward to in 2021, not least our new curate Max Marsh and his wife Hannah joining us in June.

With every blessing for us all; may Mary and all the saints pray for us; may God’s angel’s watch over us and may God’s love in Jesus hold us safe in the days ahead.

Fr Steve

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